About us

ueber-uns_ArchivContact and Opening Hours

Here you find current opening hours, your contact partner and further information.

To contact and opening hours

ueber-uns_KobiEmil E. Kobi Institute

Named after the notable Orthopedagogue Emil Erich Kobi, this Institute is closely affiliated to the Archive.

To the institute

Teilnehmende des 3. SymposiumsSponsoring Association

The International Archive for Orthopedagogy is supported by a charitable sponsoring association. Learn more about the association and its objectives.

To the association

Campus Trebnitz

The Archive is part of a beautifully located campus in which castle Trebnitz constitutes the main part.

To Campus Trebnitz


Apart from a visual tour through the Archive you can find plenty of photo galleries here.

To the galleries


Forms and documents are available for download.

To the download area